Houseplants, Patio Plants, Rooted Flowers, Seeds, Gardening Accessories & Nature-Inspired Artisanal Gifts on the UES
Houseplants, Patio Plants, Rooted Flowers, Seeds, Gardening Accessories & Nature-Inspired Artisanal Gifts on the UES
Enjoy browsing through our full collection of plants, gardening supplies and artisanal gifts. Purchases can be made via our website. Payments are contactless, secure and easy.
Our website is available 24/7, and we will be popping up across the UES for collection and on-site purchase. All pick-up orders must be placed the day before.
We are doing our part for the Zero Waste Movement. We encourage you to bring your own bag, mason jar etc. if not purchasing one of our own. We will not be providing single-use bags. All of our organic waste from the shop goes into a compost bin.
Today | By Appointment |